Thursday, May 25, 2017

Overcoming Discontentment ...

You ever been through a season of discontentment? A season of questioning is there more … should there be more … do I need more or different or something? Not sure what’s missing but you know there is something missing?

Nothing is really going wrong. Life is not necessarily bad. However, there is still a sense of discontentment looming over your life robbing you of your mojo. You feel like a lukewarm bowl of soup, a cold cup of coffee, or a soft drink that has lost its fizz.

It’s hard to get out of the bed in the morning. Can’t sleep at night. You toss and turn, staring at the alarm clock doing mattress math through the night only to rise the next morning and do it all over again.

Will it ever get better? Can I find contentment? Is anybody listening?


The following 3 things are sure to help you overcome your discontentment.

The first thing is to develop an attitude of gratitude. Spend time each day thanking God for all of the good things in your life. If you are struggling with finding good things in your life start with thanking God that you have breath in your lungs. Every breath that we take is borrowed air. God does not owe us anything. Thank Him today! Then look around at all that is good in your life and thank Him for those things and those people. This will propel you to a life filled with contentment.

The second thing is to remove the contentment robbers from your life. You will be more content with what you have if you quit thinking so much about what you don’t have. If dreaming about a bigger better house is consuming your thoughts and robbing you of your contentment then quit watching “Property Brothers” or “House Hunters.” Make the decision today to remove whatever is robbing you of your contentment. Do not let these things steal your joy!

The third thing is to serve someone in need. There is no greater joy in life than serving someone who is less fortunate. Visit a children’s hospital and read to the patients who are battling a life threatening disease. Stop by a nursing home and visit the residents that do not have regular visits from their families. Donate some of your time to a local elementary school as a mentor to students who are struggling with their studies. Doing something for those who are in need will certainly help change your perspective on life.

While the above list is not an exhaustive one, it will surely help you find contentment in your life. Get busy today and raise your level of joy.