Monday, September 12, 2016

The Disease of Doing ...

It seems that one of the most common sicknesses in the 21st Century is the "Disease of Doing." More and more each year Americans forget how to relax. According to the average adult in the United States gets at least 14 days of paid vacation each year. However, 41% of Americans in the workforce do not use all of their vacation days. Even those who use all of their vacation days typically do not completely take the time off. They carry their smart phones, tablets, and laptops with them to answer texts, emails, etc... Very seldom do people truly disconnect from their work so they can reconnect with those they claim to love the most.

Please do not see me pointing a finger at you. I, too, often suffer from the disease of doing. More than I would like to admit, I seem to live by the mantra that "Activity equals accomplishment." We must come to our senses. Activity does not always mean accomplishment! It is important that we take time to unwind and time to reconnect with the one's we love the most. All good things are not God things. Sometimes we must give ourselves permission to say no. Less can actually be more.

How do we overcome this sickness and change our schedules? How do we get offline and unwind? What steps must we take to reconnect with those we love the most? What must we do to protect the time we need to be refreshed in our minds, our bodies, and our spirits?

Here are a few tips:

1. Eat at least 1 meal together as a family daily.
2. Have a devotional time daily.
3. Do not work 7 days a week.
4. Use all of your vacation days every year.
5. Turn off your electronics when at home.
6. Volunteer to serve others in your church or your city at least once a month.

This is certainly not an all inclusive list on how to overcome the "Disease of Doing." However, if we work these tips into our routines they are sure to help us develop much healthier minds, bodies, and spirits.

Remember, the Canadian leadership guru, Robin Sharma once said, "Change is hard at first, messy in the middle,  and gorgeous at the end." Rest well, download regularly, and build something beautiful with your life. Time to make that change!

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