Effort, true effort is in short supply. Seriously! Look around. Many have settled for average and they are doing only what is required of them to get buy. Few are expending enough effort to get ahead. They give just enough effort at their jobs not to get fired. They sacrifice just enough in a relationship not to loose someone. Average has become the norm and it is definitely the difference between enjoying life and just enduring life.
A little effort goes a long ways and extra effort has the potential to help you live the life others only dream of. What is effort exactly? That's a great question. Effort is that little thing that can change your life. It does more than people expect. It does not give up easily. It lasts longer than others believe possible. It travels the second mile even though the second mile is the road less traveled. It works harder, reaches higher, and it never gives up! Brigadier General Robert Redwine (Ret) says that, "Effort is behavior that is above average." It is that little extra that many never tap into.
You don't have to be the best to see your dreams become a reality. You don't have to be the smartest to get ahead. You don't have to be born from the right family to get what you really want out of life. However, if you want to live the life many others only dream of, you must defeat average daily. It is the enemy of your best life. Make a decision today to give a little extra effort each day. Soon, the little extra that you give daily will add up and make a huge difference in your life. It works much like the little snowflake. A single snowflake doesn't amour to much; but, when you put many snowflakes together they can cause an avalanche.

You don't have to be the best to see your dreams become a reality. You don't have to be the smartest to get ahead. You don't have to be born from the right family to get what you really want out of life. However, if you want to live the life many others only dream of, you must defeat average daily. It is the enemy of your best life. Make a decision today to give a little extra effort each day. Soon, the little extra that you give daily will add up and make a huge difference in your life. It works much like the little snowflake. A single snowflake doesn't amour to much; but, when you put many snowflakes together they can cause an avalanche.
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