Resolve is not just a spray bottle of cleaning liquid. It is that little thing that can make the biggest difference. Relationships are made or broken because of resolve or the lack of it. A major difference between those who reach their dreams and those who never chase them is resolve. Conflicts, battles, and ultimately wars are won because of men and women who understood the power of resolve.
Consider the following quotes:
My parents had a certain resolve to them that I don't see as so prevalent today. Through good times and bad, they were committed to one another.
-Steve Carell
To make our way, we must have firm resolve, tenacity. We must gear ourselves to work hard all the way. We can never let up.
-Ralph Bunche
Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.
-President George W. Bush
We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain - that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, for the people, by the people shall not perish from earth.
-President Abraham Lincoln
One of my favorite people in the Bible is Daniel. His story is one of great resolve. He was a young Hebrew boy who was taken from his people to a foreign land to serve a pagan King. Because of his strong character, he was quickly elevated to serve the King directly. This coveted position earned him the right to eat and drink from the King's table. However, it was against the laws of his people to eat and drink such items. He knew denying the benefits of his coveted position would not resonate well with the King or his people. Yet the Bible records that "Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine ..." (Daniel 1:9) This young man of strong character purposed in his heart that he would not do wrong in the eyes of God. As a result of Daniel's great resolve, the Bible goes on to say that God caused the official to show Daniel favor and great compassion.
Let us all be encouraged to dig deep and muster up the resolve necessary to become the people God made us to be. Let us purpose in our hearts to say yes to our dreams and no to the cheep imitations that rear up their ugly heads along the way. May we be people of character who operate out of conviction. Let us resolve this day that there is no other way to the peace, significance, and security that we long for outside of a resolute life dedicated to the Lord.
A friend sent me an old story the other day about a new lumberjack who was excited to start work. He landed a contract with a local businessman that required him to cut down a certain number of trees daily. On the first day, he did more than was expected of him. On the second day, even though he swung his axe as fiercely and tirelessly as he did on the day before, he barely met his quota. The result's of his third day on the job were similar to the second day as he did not meet his quota. The fourth day proved a disappointing pattern. He cut less trees each new day. Even though his work ethic and efforts remained the same, he simply could not meet the expectations set out in the contract. Failing to meet the demands he shared his disappointment with the local businessman. He explained how he set out each day in the same manner yet his production steadily decreased. The wise old businessman thanked the young new lumberjack for working so diligently and then shared a truth with him that we will all be sure to benefit from in our own lives. He told the young man, "Every now and then you must stop all that you are doing and sharpen your axe."

Life is busy. Each new day we not only deal with the present, the future is approaching us at warp speed. Things around us change. People change. Demands grow. Our responsibilities increase. The already unstable political climate becomes more uncertain. Gas prices go up and down and then they go up again. The cost of education is on the rise. Budget cuts cause many to lose their jobs. The kids have practice. All of them and they are not on the same team so we are pulled in different directions. A loved one dies. The yard needs to be manicured. Rent is due. The project for work is not complete and it is due tomorrow. The PTA meeting is tonight. Our son just left for Afghanistan. War is all around us. Another police officer was shot today. There is rioting in the streets. The news from the doctor was not what was expected. The youngest needs braces. The oldest wants a car of her own.
Life is busy!
Sometimes we just need to stop for a moment and sharpen our axes. The Bible speaks of this incredible nugget of wisdom in Psalm 46:10. God says to you and me, "Be still and know that I am God." That's right! Regularly we simply need to stop all that we are doing and acknowledge that God is in control and rest in Him.
I remember reading a t-shirt that said, "There are at least 2 true things in life. There is a God and you are not Him." How profound and how true. We cannot not truly thrive in life until we acknowledge that God is God and we are not. The more often we pause and reaffirm this personal acknowledgment the "sharper" we become in life.
I encourage you to pause daily and spend time with Him through prayer and the reading of His word--the Bible. These two disciplines will help you "sharpen your axe" and be ready for whatever life brings your way.
I once heard a politician say, "God is in the details." I am not certain of this man's beliefs concerning spiritual things and I do not know if he really believes that God is in the details or if he simply inserted the Lord's name into his statement to add emphasis to his conviction about the importance of details. However, what I do now based on the authority of God's Word--the Bible is that God is in the details. That's right! The Scripture clearly teaches that God is concerned about details. Little things, too, matter greatly to Him. Even a cursory read through the book of Exodus where the Lord ordered the building of the Tabernacle will show that God is clearly in the details.
Whatever your ambition, whatever your aim in life, pay attention to the details. They can be the difference between success or failure. Do not let routine cause you to overlook the details.
General Colin Powell once said, "Never neglect details. When everyone's mind is dulled or distracted, the leader must be doubly vigilant."
It may be wise to keep a calendar. Consider developing a checklist each week or maybe even each day. Step back regularly and access where you are in whatever it is you are pursuing to ensure that you are not missing anything. Pay special attention to the seemingly little things. Again, these details just may make the difference of you accomplishing what you set out to accomplish or falling just short of your desired goal.
Names in Bible times carried much weight. They really meant something to those who knew the name. The name of a person described the character of a person. This is the context of the ancient Hebrew culture. The Hebrew nation would ascribe a new name to God as they would experience a new aspect of His character. New, not because God had changed for God does not change (Hebrews 13:8); but, because they had never experienced a certain attribute of God. God revealed Himself to His people in ways that they needed at the time of their need. When this would happen they would ascribe a name to Him to explain His character.

Today we meet God as Jehovah or Yahweh. These two names are synonymous. They are transliterations of the name used most often for God in the ancient Hebrew text, the Old Testament, YHWH. This, YHWH is also referred to as the Tetragrammaton. The transliterations are a result of the addition of vowels by commentators to YHWH. The ancient Hebrew culture did not use vowels when writing the name of God but they did when they spoke it. While YHWH is how it was originally written transliterations that come from the oral tradition of this name are Jehovah and Yahweh. Which one is used depends on the vowel structure used by the commentator. Either way YHWH is used 6,823 times in the Old Testament and is derived from the ancient word havah which means to be or to become. For the purpose of this writing, Jehovah will be used. It is the most commonly used transliteration today very likely because most early Bible translators used it instead of Yahweh.
When we read the word LORD in all capital letters in the Old Testament we are learning of God as Jehovah in context of His being or His existence. Jehovah is the self-existent One. The One who possesses in Himself essential life and eternal existence.
Although the name Jehovah was used as early as the book of Genesis in the beginning of time as we know it, Israel did not really grasp the significance of this name until Moses had an encounter with God at the
burning bush in Exodus chapter 3. Here Moses is called by God to lead His people out of bondage. Moses struggling with this call says to God what he believes the possible response of the Israelites will be, "What is His name?" (3:13) Here God introduces Himself as the great I AM--Jehovah--the self-existent One--the One who possesses both essential life and eternal existence. Jehovah is the everlasting God, the One who has no beginning and no end. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is all that is needed at any one point in our lives. He is bigger than our past, our pain, our hate, our anger, our doubts, our fears, our shame, our anxiety, our scars, our loneliness, our depression, and our addictions. Just fill in the blank and He can meet that need for He is our God, Jehovah and there is no other like Him.
Take a moment and thank God for being our Jehovah.
Recommended reading: Lord I Want to Know You by: Kay Arthur
I have been told that there are three types of people in the world: those who watch things happen, those that talk about things that happen, and those that make things happen. Which one are you?
Let me encourage you to become the one who makes things happen. Start building your future today! Below are a few things that will help you as you take control of your future.
1. Take the shot! Don't be afraid to try. Wayne Gretzky, the best hockey player to ever play the game once said, "You miss 100% of the shots you never take." Understand that you are going to miss some shots along the way. That's OK. Failure does not have to be fatal nor does it have to be final. When the shot doesn't go in like planned shoot again. Eventually you will make the shot that really matters.
2. Adopt a winning attitude! The one who thinks he can and the one who thinks he can't is usually right. What you think about your endeavors will play into outcome. Be positive. Read, study, and listen to people who think the way you want to think. Surround yourself with optimistic people. You can begin to see the glass half full if you train yourself. Your mind matters! It is much like the line of scrimmage in a football game. Whoever controls the line of scrimmage wins the game. If you control the way you think you can win in life.
3. Take personal responsibility for your future! Adopt and own the following statement: "If it is going to be it is up to me." Go make it happen. Do not take no for a final answer. You are likely to hear no many times and run into many seemingly obstacles; however, understand now these are simply character builders. Push through them and you will develop stronger character along your journey. Remember, if it was easy everyone would be doing it.
4. Laugh along the way! Life is too short to walk around looking like you've been baptized in pickle juice--smile. Have fun. Take time out of your day to laugh a little. When you laugh your body releases a chemical that you need to remain healthy. Do yourself a favor and laugh often. The great motivator Napoleon Hill who wrote the best seller "Think and Grow Rich" said he did 5 minutes of laughing exercises everyday before going to work to help him mentally prepare for the day. Even the Bible says that, "Laughter is good medicine for the soul."
5. Do not give up! For more on this one go to:
Life does not happen by chance it happens by choice. The choices you make along the way are like building blocks to your future. Make good responsible choices and build the future others only dream of.