Monday, August 22, 2016

Sharpen Your Axe ...

A friend sent me an old story the other day about a new lumberjack who was excited to start work. He landed a contract with a local businessman that required him to cut down a certain number of trees daily. On the first day, he did more than was expected of him. On the second day, even though he swung his axe as fiercely and tirelessly as he did on the day before, he barely met his quota. The result's of his third day on the job were similar to the second day as he did not meet his quota. The fourth day proved a disappointing pattern. He cut less trees each new day. Even though his work ethic and efforts remained the same, he simply could not meet the expectations set out in the contract. Failing to meet the demands he shared his disappointment with the local businessman. He explained how he set out each day in the same manner yet his production steadily decreased. The wise old businessman thanked the young new lumberjack for working so diligently and then shared a truth with him that we will all be sure to benefit from in our own lives. He told the young man, "Every now and then you must stop all that you are doing and sharpen your axe."

Life is busy. Each new day we not only deal with the present, the future is approaching us at warp speed. Things around us change. People change. Demands grow. Our responsibilities increase. The already unstable political climate becomes more uncertain. Gas prices go up and down and then they go up again. The cost of education is on the rise. Budget cuts cause many to lose their jobs. The kids have practice. All of them and they are not on the same team so we are pulled in different directions. A loved one dies. The yard needs to be manicured. Rent is due. The project for work is not complete and it is due tomorrow. The PTA meeting is tonight. Our son just left for Afghanistan. War is all around us. Another police officer was shot today. There is rioting in the streets. The news from the doctor was not what was expected. The youngest needs braces. The oldest wants a car of her own.

Life is busy!

Sometimes we just need to stop for a moment and sharpen our axes. The Bible speaks of this incredible nugget of wisdom in Psalm 46:10. God says to you and me, "Be still and know that I am God." That's right! Regularly we simply need to stop all that we are doing and acknowledge that God is in control and rest in Him.

I remember reading a t-shirt that said, "There are at least 2 true things in life. There is a God and you are not Him." How profound and how true. We cannot not truly thrive in life until we acknowledge that God is God and we are not. The more often we pause and reaffirm this personal acknowledgment the "sharper" we become in life.

I encourage you to pause daily and spend time with Him through prayer and the reading of His word--the Bible. These two disciplines will help you "sharpen your axe" and be ready for whatever life brings your way.

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