Monday, August 1, 2016

Which One Are You?

I have been told that there are three types of people in the world: those who watch things happen, those that talk about things that happen, and those that make things happen. Which one are you?

Let me encourage you to become the one who makes things happen. Start building your future today! Below are a few things that will help you as you take control of your future.

1. Take the shot! Don't be afraid to try. Wayne Gretzky, the best hockey player to ever play the game once said, "You miss 100% of the shots you never take." Understand that you are going to miss some shots along the way. That's OK. Failure does not have to be fatal nor does it have to be final. When the shot doesn't go in like planned shoot again. Eventually you will make the shot that really matters.

2. Adopt a winning attitude! The one who thinks he can and the one who thinks he can't is usually right. What you think about your endeavors will play into outcome. Be positive. Read, study, and listen to people who think the way you want to think. Surround yourself with optimistic people. You can begin to see the glass half full if you train yourself. Your mind matters! It is much like the line of scrimmage in a football game. Whoever controls the line of scrimmage wins the game. If you control the way you think you can win in life.

3. Take personal responsibility for your future! Adopt and own the following statement: "If it is going to be it is up to me." Go make it happen. Do not take no for a final answer. You are likely to hear no many times and run into many seemingly obstacles; however, understand now these are simply character builders. Push through them and you will develop stronger character along your journey. Remember, if it was easy everyone would be doing it.

4. Laugh along the way! Life is too short to walk around looking like you've been baptized in pickle juice--smile. Have fun. Take time out of your day to laugh a little. When you laugh your body releases a chemical that you need to remain healthy. Do yourself a favor and laugh often. The great motivator Napoleon Hill who wrote the best seller "Think and Grow Rich" said he did 5 minutes of laughing exercises everyday before going to work to help him mentally prepare for the day. Even the Bible says that, "Laughter is good medicine for the soul."

5. Do not give up! For more on this one go to:

Life does not happen by chance it happens by choice. The choices you make along the way are like building blocks to your future. Make good responsible choices and build the future others only dream of.

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